
Intel Celeron Dual Core T3300 vs N2830

Based on 11227 user benchmarks for the Intel Celeron Dual Core T3300 and the Celeron N2830, we rank them both on effective speed and value for money against ...

Intel Celeron N2830 vs Intel Pentium Silver N5030

What is the difference between Intel Pentium Silver N5030 and Intel Celeron N2830? Find out which is better and their overall performance in the CPU ...

Intel Celeron N2830 vs Intel Core i5-3340M:有何不同?

25%快的CPU 速度 · 2 x 2.7 · x 2.16 GHz ; 267 MHz更高的内存速度(最大) · 1600 · MHz ; 中央处理器(CPU)线程多2 threads · 4 · threads ; GPU时脉速度快337 MHz · 650 MHz · 313 MHz ...

Intel Celeron N2830 @ 2.16GHz

Benchmarks for the Intel Celeron N2830 can be found below. Release dates, price and performance comparisons are also listed when available.

Intel® Celeron® 處理器N2830

Intel® Celeron® 處理器N2830 (1M 快取記憶體,最高2.41 GHz) - 下載支援資源,包括驅動程式、軟體、BIOS 與韌體更新。

Intel® Celeron® 處理器N2830 (1M 快取記憶體,最高2.41 GHz)

CPU 規格 ; 核心數量. 2 ; 執行緒總數. 2 ; 突增頻率. 2.41 GHz ; 處理器基礎頻率. 2.16 GHz ; 快取記憶體. 1 MB.

Intel Celeron N2830 Notebook Processor

The Intel Celeron N2830 is a power efficient dual-core SoC for entry-level notebooks. It is clocked at up to 2.4 GHz and part of the Bay Trail-M platform.

Is a N2830 celeron laptop be viable in 2020? : rtechsupport

The N2830 is an perfectly good CPU for what you want to do. It's only 2 cores and no hyper threading, but it'll get the job done.

Intel Celeron N2830 Specs

The Intel Celeron N2830 is a mobile processor with 2 cores, launched in February 2014. It is part of the Celeron lineup, using the Bay Trail architecture.

x86 cpus' Guide

Manufacturer, Intel. Model, Celeron. Architecture, x86. Codename, Bay Trail-M. Core frequency (Rated/Boost), 2.16 GHz/2.41 GHz. Cores/Threads, 2/2.


Basedon11227userbenchmarksfortheIntelCeleronDualCoreT3300andtheCeleronN2830,werankthembothoneffectivespeedandvalueformoneyagainst ...,WhatisthedifferencebetweenIntelPentiumSilverN5030andIntelCeleronN2830?FindoutwhichisbetterandtheiroverallperformanceintheCPU ...,25%快的CPU速度·2x2.7·x2.16GHz;267MHz更高的内存速度(最大)·1600·MHz;中央处理器(CPU)线程多2threads·4·threads;GPU时脉速度快337MHz·650...